Field Day is always the fourth full weekend of June, beginning at 1800 UTC Saturday and ending at 2100 UTC Sunday. Field Day 2007 will be held June 23-24, 2007. Listen to local radio station (WCBC) Public Service broadcast. Completed,
Thanks to all who participated. Please
review photos in our website album! Submit your comments to improve next event. Each year thousands of individuals and groups spend months preparing for what to many is the most energetic, exciting 24-hours in the annual amateur radio calendar. The value of this intense preparation is the reason the event provides opportunities for so many bonus points. These bonuses are the reward for the time and talent it takes to test you abilities. The ARRL continues to promote the public relations and awareness aspects of Field Day. Site visits by state and local officials or representatives of served agencies are more than just a way to earn 100-points. Their value comes from the ability to build the working relationship with these officials – exposing them to the resources we bring to the community. Location: The Field Day site is by the Emergency Management Center in the lot by the back door. For A Map to 2007 Field Day Site Click Here...